What to Expect:
Bible Teaching | Casual Wear | Upbeat Music | Kids Activity Every Gathering | Communion Every WED
We are a Bible Teaching Church that loves Jesus together
Learn more of Jesus as we teach through the Bible verse by verse
Currently, we are in the book of Colossians on Sunday mornings, and Exodus on Wednesday nights.


This is the 2nd book reading for the summer book club. This book is by the fabulous author, speaker, and Christian, Elisabeth Elliot. She was the wife of Jim Elliot, who, along with 4 other young missionaries committed to bringing the gospel to the Auca Indians in Ecuador, were killed by the tribe when they tried to make contact with them. Elisabeth knew much suffering in her life, and she was certainly qualified to write this book.
We will be meeting near the Seal Beach Pier on Saturday, July 30, at 12:00 noon. We will have easy ups for shade, and everyone will again be bringing a sack lunch. Please see Cheryl if you don't know where or how to get the book.